Friday, 18 July 2014

HDMI2USB Serial Controller Port

When we connect HDMI2USB to host, two CDC are enumerated. One is for UVC(ACM0) and the other is for controller port(ACM1).
The controller port can be used to control certain features of HDMI2USB and also display status of USB, jpeg encoder etc.
To access this use any serial terminal program like gtkterm. The commands send to the control port is in ASCII. The ascii commands are two byte, first is the address(like U or u for USB TOP) and the second is the command you want to send to that address (like S or s for status). So if you send US, it will return the status of the USB Top module. Since the terminal I am using allows only hexadecimal commands, so I have to convert the ASCII commands to their hex equivalent (which is irritating).

While creating the debug infrastructure, I completely neglected that there is already a lot of infrastructure already built in due to the control port. Some feature that I have added like frame rate etc can be exposed via the control port. Then we can have a debugger using the control port. Plus it can be used to control features of firmware which is even more awesome. What say mithro/shenki?

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